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- /*CAsyncSocketEx by Tim Kosse (Tim.Kosse@gmx.de)
- Version 1.3 (2003-04-26)
- --------------------------------------------------------
- Introduction:
- -------------
- CAsyncSocketEx is a replacement for the MFC class CAsyncSocket.
- This class was written because CAsyncSocket is not the fastest WinSock
- wrapper and it's very hard to add new functionality to CAsyncSocket
- derived classes. This class offers the same functionality as CAsyncSocket.
- Also, CAsyncSocketEx offers some enhancements which were not possible with
- CAsyncSocket without some tricks.
- How do I use it?
- ----------------
- Basically exactly like CAsyncSocket.
- To use CAsyncSocketEx, just replace all occurrences of CAsyncSocket in your
- code with CAsyncSocketEx. If you did not enhance CAsyncSocket yourself in
- any way, you won't have to change anything else in your code.
- Why is CAsyncSocketEx faster?
- -----------------------------
- CAsyncSocketEx is slightly faster when dispatching notification event messages.
- First have a look at the way CAsyncSocket works. For each thread that uses
- CAsyncSocket, a window is created. CAsyncSocket calls WSAAsyncSelect with
- the handle of that window. Until here, CAsyncSocketEx works the same way.
- But CAsyncSocket uses only one window message (WM_SOCKET_NOTIFY) for all
- sockets within one thread. When the window recieve WM_SOCKET_NOTIFY, wParam
- contains the socket handle and the window looks up an CAsyncSocket instance
- using a map. CAsyncSocketEx works differently. It's helper window uses a
- wide range of different window messages (WM_USER through 0xBFFF) and passes
- a different message to WSAAsyncSelect for each socket. When a message in
- the specified range is received, CAsyncSocketEx looks up the pointer to a
- CAsyncSocketEx instance in an Array using the index of message - WM_USER.
- As you can see, CAsyncSocketEx uses the helper window in a more efficient
- way, as it don't have to use the slow maps to lookup it's own instance.
- Still, speed increase is not very much, but it may be noticeable when using
- a lot of sockets at the same time.
- Please note that the changes do not affect the raw data throughput rate,
- CAsyncSocketEx only dispatches the notification messages faster.
- What else does CAsyncSocketEx offer?
- ------------------------------------
- CAsyncSocketEx offers a flexible layer system. One example is the proxy layer.
- Just create an instance of the proxy layer, configure it and add it to the layer
- chain of your CAsyncSocketEx instance. After that, you can connect through
- proxies.
- Benefit: You don't have to change much to use the layer system.
- Another layer that is currently in development is the SSL layer to establish
- SSL encrypted connections.
- License
- -------
- Feel free to use this class, as long as you don't claim that you wrote it
- and this copyright notice stays intact in the source files.
- If you use this class in commercial applications, please send a short message
- to tim.kosse@gmx.de
- */
- #if !defined(AFX_ASYNCSOCKETEX_H__AA9E4531_63B1_442F_9A71_09B2FEEDF34E__INCLUDED_)
- #define AFX_ASYNCSOCKETEX_H__AA9E4531_63B1_442F_9A71_09B2FEEDF34E__INCLUDED_
- #if _MSC_VER > 1000
- #pragma once
- #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
- #ifdef _AFX
- #define CStdString CString
- #define CStdStringW CStringW
- #define CStdStringA CStringA
- #endif //_AFX
- #define FD_FORCEREAD (1<<15)
- #include <winsock2.h>
- #include <Ws2tcpip.h>
- class CAsyncSocketExHelperWindow;
- extern "C" {
- typedef int (FAR PASCAL *t_getaddrinfo)(const char* nodename, const char* servname, const struct addrinfo* hints, struct addrinfo** res);
- typedef void (FAR PASCAL *t_freeaddrinfo)(struct addrinfo* ai);
- }
- #ifndef NOLAYERS
- class CAsyncSocketExLayer;
- struct t_callbackMsg
- {
- CAsyncSocketExLayer* pLayer;
- int nType;
- int nParam1;
- int nParam2;
- char* str;
- };
- #endif //NOLAYERS
- class CCriticalSectionWrapper;
- class CAsyncSocketEx
- {
- public:
- ///////////////////////////////////////
- //Functions that imitate CAsyncSocket//
- ///////////////////////////////////////
- //Construction
- //------------
- //Constructs a CAsyncSocketEx object.
- CAsyncSocketEx();
- virtual ~CAsyncSocketEx();
- //Creates a socket.
- BOOL Create(UINT nSocketPort = 0, int nSocketType = SOCK_STREAM,
- LPCTSTR lpszSocketAddress = NULL, int nFamily = AF_INET, bool reusable = false);
- //Attributes
- //---------
- //Attaches a socket handle to a CAsyncSocketEx object.
- BOOL Attach( SOCKET hSocket,
- long lEvent = FD_READ | FD_WRITE | FD_OOB | FD_ACCEPT |
- //Detaches a socket handle from a CAsyncSocketEx object.
- SOCKET Detach( );
- //Gets the error status for the last operation that failed.
- static int GetLastError();
- //Gets the address of the peer socket to which the socket is connected.
- BOOL GetPeerName( CStdString& rPeerAddress, UINT& rPeerPort );
- //Gets the local name for a socket.
- BOOL GetSockName( CStdString& rSocketAddress, UINT& rSocketPort );
- //Retrieves a socket option.
- BOOL GetSockOpt(int nOptionName, void* lpOptionValue, int* lpOptionLen, int nLevel = SOL_SOCKET);
- //Sets a socket option.
- BOOL SetSockOpt(int nOptionName, const void* lpOptionValue, int nOptionLen, int nLevel = SOL_SOCKET);
- //Gets the socket family
- int GetFamily() const;
- //Sets the socket family
- bool SetFamily(int nFamily);
- //Operations
- //----------
- //Accepts a connection on the socket.
- virtual BOOL Accept( CAsyncSocketEx& rConnectedSocket, SOCKADDR* lpSockAddr = NULL, int* lpSockAddrLen = NULL );
- //Requests event notification for the socket.
- BOOL AsyncSelect( long lEvent = FD_READ | FD_WRITE | FD_OOB | FD_ACCEPT | FD_CONNECT | FD_CLOSE );
- //Associates a local address with the socket.
- BOOL Bind(UINT nSocketPort, LPCTSTR lpszSocketAddress);
- BOOL Bind(const SOCKADDR* lpSockAddr, int nSockAddrLen);
- //Closes the socket.
- virtual void Close();
- //Establishes a connection to a peer socket.
- virtual BOOL Connect(LPCTSTR lpszHostAddress, UINT nHostPort);
- virtual BOOL Connect(const SOCKADDR* lpSockAddr, int nSockAddrLen);
- //Controls the mode of the socket.
- BOOL IOCtl( long lCommand, DWORD* lpArgument );
- //Establishes a socket to listen for incoming connection requests.
- BOOL Listen( int nConnectionBacklog = 5 );
- //Receives data from the socket.
- virtual int Receive(void* lpBuf, int nBufLen, int nFlags = 0);
- //Sends data to a connected socket.
- virtual int Send(const void* lpBuf, int nBufLen, int nFlags = 0);
- //Disables Send and/or Receive calls on the socket.
- BOOL ShutDown( int nHow = sends );
- enum { receives = 0, sends = 1, both = 2 };
- //Overridable Notification Functions
- //----------------------------------
- //Notifies a listening socket that it can accept pending connection requests by calling Accept.
- virtual void OnAccept(int nErrorCode);
- //Notifies a socket that the socket connected to it has closed.
- virtual void OnClose(int nErrorCode);
- //Notifies a connecting socket that the connection attempt is complete, whether successfully or in error.
- virtual void OnConnect(int nErrorCode);
- //Notifies a listening socket that there is data to be retrieved by calling Receive.
- virtual void OnReceive(int nErrorCode);
- //Notifies a socket that it can send data by calling Send.
- virtual void OnSend(int nErrorCode);
- ////////////////////////
- //Additional functions//
- ////////////////////////
- #ifndef NOLAYERS
- //Resets layer chain.
- void RemoveAllLayers();
- //Attaches a new layer to the socket.
- BOOL AddLayer(CAsyncSocketExLayer *pLayer);
- //Is a layer attached to the socket?
- BOOL IsLayerAttached() const;
- #endif //NOLAYERS
- //Returns the handle of the socket.
- SOCKET GetSocketHandle();
- //Trigers an event on the socket
- // Any combination of FD_READ, FD_WRITE, FD_CLOSE, FD_ACCEPT, FD_CONNECT and FD_FORCEREAD is valid for lEvent.
- BOOL TriggerEvent(long lEvent);
- protected:
- //Strucure to hold the socket data
- struct t_AsyncSocketExData
- {
- SOCKET hSocket; //Socket handle
- int nSocketIndex; //Index of socket, required by CAsyncSocketExHelperWindow
- int nFamily;
- addrinfo *addrInfo, *nextAddr; // Iterate through protocols on connect failure
- bool onCloseCalled; // Set to true on first received OnClose event
- } m_SocketData;
- //If using layers, only the events specified with m_lEvent will send to the event handlers.
- long m_lEvent;
- //AsyncGetHostByName
- char *m_pAsyncGetHostByNameBuffer; //Buffer for hostend structure
- HANDLE m_hAsyncGetHostByNameHandle; //TaskHandle
- int m_nAsyncGetHostByNamePort; //Port to connect to
- //Returns the handle of the helper window
- HWND GetHelperWindowHandle();
- //Attaches socket handle to helper window
- void AttachHandle(SOCKET hSocket);
- //Detaches socket handle to helper window
- void DetachHandle(SOCKET hSocket);
- //Critical section for thread synchronization
- static CCriticalSectionWrapper m_sGlobalCriticalSection;
- //Pointer to the data of the local thread
- struct t_AsyncSocketExThreadData
- {
- CAsyncSocketExHelperWindow *m_pHelperWindow;
- int nInstanceCount;
- DWORD nThreadId;
- std::list<CAsyncSocketEx*> layerCloseNotify;
- } *m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData;
- //List of the data structures for all threads
- static struct t_AsyncSocketExThreadDataList
- {
- t_AsyncSocketExThreadDataList *pNext;
- t_AsyncSocketExThreadData *pThreadData;
- } *m_spAsyncSocketExThreadDataList;
- //Initializes Thread data and helper window, fills m_pLocalAsyncSocketExThreadData
- BOOL InitAsyncSocketExInstance();
- //Destroys helper window after last instance of CAsyncSocketEx in current thread has been closed
- void FreeAsyncSocketExInstance();
- // Iterate through protocols on failure
- bool TryNextProtocol();
- void ResendCloseNotify();
- #ifndef NOLAYERS
- // Add a new notification to the list of pending callbacks
- void AddCallbackNotification(const t_callbackMsg& msg);
- #endif // NOLAYERS
- int m_nPendingEvents;
- int GetState() const;
- void SetState(int nState);
- int m_nState;
- #ifndef NOLAYERS
- //Layer chain
- CAsyncSocketExLayer *m_pFirstLayer;
- CAsyncSocketExLayer *m_pLastLayer;
- friend CAsyncSocketExLayer;
- //Called by the layers to notify application of some events
- virtual int OnLayerCallback(std::list<t_callbackMsg>& callbacks);
- #endif //NOLAYERS
- // Used by Bind with AF_UNSPEC sockets
- UINT m_nSocketPort;
- LPTSTR m_lpszSocketAddress;
- // imported IPv6 functions
- static HMODULE m_hDll;
- static t_getaddrinfo p_getaddrinfo;
- static t_freeaddrinfo p_freeaddrinfo;
- friend CAsyncSocketExHelperWindow;
- #ifndef NOLAYERS
- // Pending callbacks
- std::list<t_callbackMsg> m_pendingCallbacks;
- #endif // NOLAYERS
- private:
- BOOL GetPeerName( SOCKADDR* lpSockAddr, int* lpSockAddrLen );
- BOOL GetSockName( SOCKADDR* lpSockAddr, int* lpSockAddrLen );
- };
- #ifndef NOLAYERS
- #endif //NOLAYERS
- enum SocketState
- {
- notsock,
- unconnected,
- connecting,
- listening,
- connected,
- closed,
- aborted,
- attached
- };
- #ifdef _UNICODE
- #define _sntprintf _snwprintf
- #else
- #define _sntprintf _snprintf
- #endif
- inline TCHAR* Inet6AddrToString(in6_addr& addr)
- {
- LPTSTR buf = new TCHAR[512];
- _sntprintf(buf, 512, _T("%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x"),
- addr.s6_bytes[0], addr.s6_bytes[1], addr.s6_bytes[2], addr.s6_bytes[3],
- addr.s6_bytes[4], addr.s6_bytes[5], addr.s6_bytes[6], addr.s6_bytes[7],
- addr.s6_bytes[8], addr.s6_bytes[9], addr.s6_bytes[10], addr.s6_bytes[11],
- addr.s6_bytes[12], addr.s6_bytes[13], addr.s6_bytes[14], addr.s6_bytes[15]);
- return buf ;
- }
- #endif // !defined(AFX_ASYNCSOCKETEX_H__AA9E4531_63B1_442F_9A71_09B2FEEDF34E__INCLUDED_)